So while at home from school I've had the opportunity to really sit and gather my thoughts and reflect on life. I've had nothing but time being that I didn't have a JOB so the majority of my time has been spent reading a good book or taking time with my thoughts. I've been thinking things that the young woman 10 years ago would have never thought about....guess I am becoming a woman. But enough of the rambling. I name this blog post You only get one shot..... because sometimes in life you truly only get one shot. Opportunity doesn't always come knocking at your door and all to often we as people don't cease that moment to take that opportunity. Why FEAR is why... We fear the unknown...what people may think... what people may say.... how they will react... we fear we will Fail. My mother once told me as a child you miss every shot you don't take. Meaning if you don't take that leap of faith to fail you will fail eventually. You can't be afraid to fail or make mistakes in life. A winner is a person who has made mistakes and those mistakes has made them learn to not repeat the cycle. But a loser is a person who is scared to even make a mistake so they never try and fail in the end. Hope this makes sense.
This was just a little something I had on my mind.. Take chances people... Make Mistakes... Learn from them... and Keep it Moving
Peace Out <3
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
So this particular blog has no title what so ever I'm just writing had alot on my mind so I figured I would clear my head by writing a blog. What does it mean to truely fine your calling in life? Have you ever took the time and really set down and analyzed why are you here? Sometime I feel as though I'm a flower in the pasture who can bloom but just has to make it up in her mine that she wants to. Progression is the name of the game and if your not progressing than why are you here. In life you go through things you make mistakes and we often call thoose mistakes lessons learned. But what if you continue to REPEAT that same mistake over and over again never really learning to not continuing the same cycle. I have a word for tht regression. Regression meaning although you know your not suppose to be doing something a certain way or back tracking (past) you continue to go back down the same damn roads. When will you ever learn. This is just a little something I had to get off of my chest. Hopefully it will inspire someone or touch someone. Hopefully I look back at this tomorrow or nxt week and get my ish together becaz progression is the name of the game and if there's no Progress what am I here for........
Peace Out
Peace Out
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Natural Hair vs. Relaxed hair ....What are we Gangs Now??

NATURAL VS. RELAXED HAIR (What are we gangs now)
So for all who didn't know my hair is natural and has been for alittle over 10 months now. Natural hair meaning my hair is not chemically treated for all who didn't know. Now the sole purpose of me choosing to go natural was my decision. No one influenced me, I didn't get inspired by India Arie it was my decision. Now some may say why would you choose to keep that nappy ass hair on your head or you've been getting a perm all of your life why stop now but you all know what my answer is right...IT'S MY DAMN DECISION!!!
Now my journey of being a natural has been great I love my natural hair what I don't love is people who are so ignorant to the topic of natural hair, and not just relaxed gals but also naturals. What I don't understand and never will is why do we especially as African American women form these groups between each other. I mean when I choose to go natural I didn't think I was forming some type of alliance but that's exactly how I feel. Natural vs. Relaxed I mean what are we gangs now it's foolishness. You have some people well (idiots) in my opinion who switch there hair and change the person that they originally are. I mean damn how can a natural girl say "OMG I don't even know how someone could relax there hair" when you've been relaxed almost your whole life. Or how can a relaxed girl make the argument that "Natural hair must be so hard to maintain I could never do it" when you've clearly never have tried it. This is just something that I don't and will never understand, but I do know that hair is hair and whether you choose to go natural or relax it don't change you. Hair doesn't change a person at all, inner beauty does. Just something to think about.
And STOP forming these damn groups (alliances)please lol its ridiculous!
Peace Out
Monday, June 21, 2010
Welcome to ChicNaturally Blog!!

Peace Out
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