So while at home from school I've had the opportunity to really sit and gather my thoughts and reflect on life. I've had nothing but time being that I didn't have a JOB so the majority of my time has been spent reading a good book or taking time with my thoughts. I've been thinking things that the young woman 10 years ago would have never thought about....guess I am becoming a woman. But enough of the rambling. I name this blog post You only get one shot..... because sometimes in life you truly only get one shot. Opportunity doesn't always come knocking at your door and all to often we as people don't cease that moment to take that opportunity. Why FEAR is why... We fear the unknown...what people may think... what people may say.... how they will react... we fear we will Fail. My mother once told me as a child you miss every shot you don't take. Meaning if you don't take that leap of faith to fail you will fail eventually. You can't be afraid to fail or make mistakes in life. A winner is a person who has made mistakes and those mistakes has made them learn to not repeat the cycle. But a loser is a person who is scared to even make a mistake so they never try and fail in the end. Hope this makes sense.
This was just a little something I had on my mind.. Take chances people... Make Mistakes... Learn from them... and Keep it Moving
Peace Out <3