Farwell to 2011Farwell to 2011, this was the year that created me and
developed my character. 2011 was full of trials, tribulations, broken
frienships, happiness, triump, and success. I’m truly grateful for all experiences
because they truly taught me something. I usually don’t say this and I usually
don’t participate in 2012 sayings just because I feel it’s very cliché but I
will say this I don’t think me my family or friends is truly ready for the way
God is going to take charge and change our lives this 2012. I’m ready for God
to rock my socks off.
Someone once told me in order to see a different set off
results you have to first change your actions and that’s what I’m going to.
Some people, some things, some actions I’ve been showing is only holding me
back. I have to let these things go in order to be the Monica that I’m suppose
to be.
As far as goal setting I have a ton for this year: Mentally,
Spritually, Emotionally, Career, and Health.. Here goes in no particular order.
1. Keep a
journal everyday, recap of the days. Write your feelings on paper. Get it out.
2. Put
myself in the most marketable position ever, intern, network, develop my
business plan and business ideas
3. Develop
a business website
4. Grow
closer to God
5. Drink
more water 8 glasses a day
6. Eliminate
junk food , cut back
7. Leave
the past in the past