Tuesday, January 3, 2012

SO I've been playing around with new lip colors lately. Here's one of my FAVS called "IMPACT" by Fashion Fair what do you all think?? I'm in total love with myself on this pic :)


So this is what I realized, people come and go and everyone is with you for a season. Nothing truely last forever so enjoy while things, people, moments, laughs last... Just a thought.

Life is Good

In the process of developing a plan of attack for after graduation. MAY 2012 I can see the finish line finally. With that being said I have no idea what I want to do.

Grad School... Would make my parents happy
Travel across the world and embark on new experiences!!! >>>>>
Create my business

Options Options .... I know one thing failure never has been and never will be an option for me.

Peace <3

Common / Celebrate [ NEW 2011! ]

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Farwell to 2011

Farwell to 2011

Farwell to 2011, this was the year that created me and
developed my character. 2011 was full of trials, tribulations, broken
frienships, happiness, triump, and success. I’m truly grateful for all experiences
because they truly taught me something. I usually don’t say this and I usually
don’t participate in 2012 sayings just because I feel it’s very cliché but I
will say this I don’t think me my family or friends is truly ready for the way
God is going to take charge and change our lives this 2012. I’m ready for God
to rock my socks off.

Someone once told me in order to see a different set off
results you have to first change your actions and that’s what I’m going to.
Some people, some things, some actions I’ve been showing is only holding me
back. I have to let these things go in order to be the Monica that I’m suppose
to be.

As far as goal setting I have a ton for this year: Mentally,
Spritually, Emotionally, Career, and Health.. Here goes in no particular order.

1. Keep a
journal everyday, recap of the days. Write your feelings on paper. Get it out.

2. Put
myself in the most marketable position ever, intern, network, develop my
business plan and business ideas

3. Develop
a business website

4. Grow
closer to God

5. Drink
more water 8 glasses a day

6. Eliminate
junk food , cut back

7. Leave
the past in the past


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Out with the Old in with the New

It's the year 2011 will soon be 2012 in a couple of days Wow. Where has the time really gone? Well let's see the year 2011 has been one of the toughest years for me. I've lost someone very near and dear to my heart my grandmother GE GE Warmack, I've struggled in school, I've had failed relationships but I'm still smiling. How you may ask? My God id good, awesome he has brang me through so many trials and tribulations and for that I say thankyou. I'm truely thankful and grateful.... So let's discuss the new year 2012. I won't bore you with any revolutions that I won't keep I will say this though in 2012 I'm going to focus on ME and also work on a better me. I want to grow my relationship with God and also try some new things. I'm elated for the new year but if it's anything like this last one I have to stay prayed up. I thank God in spite of it all!!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

You Only get One Shot Don't miss the Oppurtunitt

So while at home from school I've had the opportunity to really sit and gather my thoughts and reflect on life. I've had nothing but time being that I didn't have a JOB so the majority of my time has been spent reading a good book or taking time with my thoughts. I've been thinking things that the young woman 10 years ago would have never thought about....guess I am becoming a woman. But enough of the rambling. I name this blog post You only get one shot..... because sometimes in life you truly only get one shot. Opportunity doesn't always come knocking at your door and all to often we as people don't cease that moment to take that opportunity. Why FEAR is why... We fear the unknown...what people may think... what people may say.... how they will react... we fear we will Fail. My mother once told me as a child you miss every shot you don't take. Meaning if you don't take that leap of faith to fail you will fail eventually. You can't be afraid to fail or make mistakes in life. A winner is a person who has made mistakes and those mistakes has made them learn to not repeat the cycle. But a loser is a person who is scared to even make a mistake so they never try and fail in the end. Hope this makes sense.

This was just a little something I had on my mind.. Take chances people... Make Mistakes... Learn from them... and Keep it Moving

Peace Out <3

Sunday, July 11, 2010


So this particular blog has no title what so ever I'm just writing had alot on my mind so I figured I would clear my head by writing a blog. What does it mean to truely fine your calling in life? Have you ever took the time and really set down and analyzed why are you here? Sometime I feel as though I'm a flower in the pasture who can bloom but just has to make it up in her mine that she wants to. Progression is the name of the game and if your not progressing than why are you here. In life you go through things you make mistakes and we often call thoose mistakes lessons learned. But what if you continue to REPEAT that same mistake over and over again never really learning to not continuing the same cycle. I have a word for tht regression. Regression meaning although you know your not suppose to be doing something a certain way or back tracking (past) you continue to go back down the same damn roads. When will you ever learn. This is just a little something I had to get off of my chest. Hopefully it will inspire someone or touch someone. Hopefully I look back at this tomorrow or nxt week and get my ish together becaz progression is the name of the game and if there's no Progress what am I here for........

Peace Out